Streaming on Twitch: 4 Essential Tips to Get You Started

streaming Jul 14, 2021



Are you looking to start a career by streaming on Twitch? 

It might seem as easy as creating an account and just streaming whatever you’re doing right away. While that is typically what is going to happen, there are many things that you must research and consider before you get started. For instance, which software are you going to use to stream? Have you read the community guidelines yet? Have you created a persona with which you’ll align your “character”? If these are things you have not done so far, do not worry—there’s still some time to iron the details out!

In this article, we will list the things you will need to do to start streaming on Twitch on the right foot. Keep reading below to find out more!

1. Read the community guidelines and terms of service

First things first, we highly recommend taking the time to read through all the legal documents that Twitch has to offer. No, it’s not like your standard “Terms & Conditions” that you just agree to blindly; this is something you’ll actually need to understand before you proceed! If you breach Twitch’s Terms of Service or their Community Guidelines you can find yourself with a suspension or ban.

Understandably, it is quite long, but reading or at least skimming through it once will allow you to get a general idea of what to expect when signing up to use Twitch’s platform. If that is too much for you, then Googling for a summary of what can and cannot be done will help you stay away from trouble when using the platform.

2. Set up a Twitch account

Once you are thoroughly satisfied with your knowledge of Twitch’s Terms of Services and other guidelines, go ahead and create an account. 

If you are on a desktop computer, click the signup button and fill out all the necessary forms. If you are going to sign up on a mobile device, you will need to download the Twitch app for either IOS or Android, depending on what kind of device you are using. 

3. Enable two-factor authentication

While you might think you can get away with streaming without two-factor authentication, Twitch has made a requirement to do so! This means you cannot actually start streaming without it being enabled. 

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a system in which two devices (or at least two sources) need to be in agreement before an individual can log in with your account. For instance, if you are logging into a new computer, you may be sent a code to your phone or email, depending on which you set as an authorisation. Essentially, it is to stop unauthorised logins, which is actually a big security implementation you need to have if you really want to take this seriously!

4. Pick a streaming software

With 2FA set up, now is your chance to look for streaming software. Software such as XSplit, OBS, Streamlabs, and even Twitch Studio are examples of what you can use to stream your game. This software will allow you to do all sorts of things, from capturing your game screen down to customising your volume levels and design elements. 

Many of these streaming software come with their own features and perks, so we highly recommend that you do some form of research and pick one that meets your needs. We recommend Streamlabs for the slightly less tech savvy (it can do more straight out of the box), and OBS for the most fully featured and customisable experience.


Follow the tips above, and you will be able to start your Twitch streaming efforts on the right foot. Whether you want to stream just for fun or want to turn it into a career, the above tips are essential steps that you will have to go through regardless. 

Be sure to follow through the process carefully, and take the time to pick the right software for the job. Once you get the hang of things, you can move onto other aspects that Twitch has to offer—but as of right now, you will just want to get comfortable with the platform!

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